jesse the genius (3508185)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (5 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

A man called Rose
Published May 31, 2011
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About Me
Im 14 and IM wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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how to rate some ones screenshotWritten May 26, 2011
how do you rate someones screenshot??? ...More
is generations exciting!!!!Written May 26, 2011
Bonjour!! cant wait for generations to come out i find it amazing and dont know why people complain so much on other websites about it.......just wondering if anyone else feels the same????? ...More
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PralinesimsJun 18, 2011
hi there! im so sorry but i cant help you i´ve never had such a problem.try to contact the TSR staff. maybe they can help you i hope you get it fixed soon! i wish you a beautiful weekend!! see you around!!
lilliebouJun 17, 2011
Non je suis bien Canadienne, je disais simplement cela parce que sur votre profil, vous avez indiqué que vous venez d'Irlande
lilliebouJun 16, 2011
Coucou ! Oui oui je parle français aussi =D Je suis Canadienne Et toi tu viens d'Irlande ? *-* Ça c'est un pays que j'aimerais visiter ! Où est-ce que tu as appris à parler français ?